Date Topics Host Attendees
Sep-21 Advanced Orthopaedic Trauma – Case Discussions IOA - IOTS 883
Nov-21 Musculoskeletal Infections OSBD 242
Jan-22 Hand & Microsurgery MOA 233
Mar-22 Paediatric Orthopaedics and Trauma MOA 188
May-22 Shoulder & Elbow SOA 103
Jul-22 Trauma 2 (incl Fragility Fractures & Osteoporosis) OSBD
Sep-22 Hip arthroplasty: current concepts & updates POA-PHKS 100
Nov-22 Knee arthroplasty: current concepts & updates SOA 153
Date Topics Host/Coordinator
Jan-23 MSK Tumours POA (PMTS)
Mar-23 Sports Knees RCOST (Dr. Chanakarn)
May-23 Spine IOA/MOS
Jul-23 Foot & Ankle RCOST
Indonesian Orthopaedic Association
September 25, 2021
Advanced Orthopaedic Trauma: Case Discussion
Moderator: Imamul Aziz Albar, MD
Prof. Theerachai Apivatthakakul, MD
Setting up for success: what to look for in radiographic and CT scan
Both column fractures
Complex case examples
Prof. Ismail HD, MD, PhD
Diagnosis: choosing your approach
Complex case examples
Datuk Abdul Rauf Ahmad, MD
Anterior column/wall fractures
Posterior column/wall fractures
Radi Muharris Mulyana, MD
Polytrauma and pelvic acetabular fractures: Timing of fixation
Gibran Tristan Alpharian, MD
Transverse fracture patterns
Harisuko Wihandono,
Pelvi-acetabular fracture in low resource setting: My Experience
Orthopaedic Society of Brunei Darussalam
November 20, 2021
Musculoskeletal Infection
Moderators: Mr Hj Md Khairul Azmi Hj Kadir & Miss Hjh Liza Bte Hj Ishak
Septic Arthritis (A/Prof. Dr. Halim Rashid – KL)
MSK Tuberculosis (Dr. Rahyussalim – Jakarta)
Covid 19 and MSK problems (Mr Hj Abdul Hafidz Bin Hj Yakob - Brunei)
Arthroplasty related infection (A/Prof. Dr. Pang Hee Nee - Singapore)
MSK melioidosis (A/Prof. Dr. Ketan Pande - Brunei)
Principles of management of open fractures (Dr. Chittawee Jiamton - Bangkok)
Fracture related infection (A/Prof. Nilo Paner – Manila)
Malaysian Orthopaedic Association
January 29, 2022
Hand and Microsurgery
Moderator: A/Prof. Dr. Kamarul Ariffin Khalid
Fixing the painful wrist: A novel approach (Dr. Sharifah Roohi Syed Waseem Ahmad)
Tying the knot: S-L ligament reconstruction Technique (Dr. Ranjit Singh Gill)
High median nerve injury (Dr. Shams Amir Shamsul Bahar)
Algorithm for managing peripheral nerve compression in the forearm (A/Prof. Dr. Raffael Ismail)
Managing flexor contractures in the hand (A/Prof. Dr. Abdul Nawfar Sagadatulla)
Malaysian Orthopaedic Association
March 26, 2022
Pediatric Trauma
Session 1
Moderator: Dr. Emil Fazliq Mohd – Malaysia
Perthes disease: When and how to treat (Prof. Dr. Mohd Anuar RaMDhan - Malaysia)
Challenges in managing moderate to severe SCFE (Dr. Kitiwan Vipulakorn - Thailand)
Treatment issues in Blount disease (A/Prof. Dr. Ismail Munajat - Malaysia)
Congenital Pseudoarthrosis Tibia: Tips for successful treatment (Dr. Cielo Balce - Philippines)
Session 2
Moderator: Dr. Ardilla Hanim - Malaysia
Updates in pink pulseless supracondylar humerus fracture (Dr. Andrew Lim - Singapore)
Pearls in pediatric neck of femur fracture (Dr. Emil Fazliq Mohd - Malaysia)
Principles in PediatricfForearm fractures (Dr. Aryadi Kurniawan – Indonesia)
Distal humeral physeal separation injury: What we should know (Dr. Kamariah Nor – Malaysia)
Singapore Orthopaedic Association
May 21, 2022
Shoulder & Elbow
Cuff tendinosis – ASEAN survey (Lee Wen Qiang/Puah Ken Lee)
Techniques in Massive Cuff Tear
Tear morphologe and approach (Denny Lie)
Superior capsular reconstruction (Ng WM)
Latissimus Dorsi transfer (Desmond Ong)
The overhead athlete (Jason P. Santiago)
All about instability
My approach to bankart repair (Iman IND)
Glenoid reconstruction with iliac bone (Denny Lie)
Proximal humerus fracture (Ekavit)
Reverse shoulder arthroplasty (Ruben Manohara)
Tennis elbow – survey and current concepts (Puah Ken Lee)
Elbow Instability (Andy Wee)
Indonesian Orthopaedic Association
July 30, 2022
Fragility Fractures
Session 1:
Moderator: Prof. Ketan Pande
Impact and burden of Oeteoporotic Fragility Fractures (Hj Md Khairul Abd Kadir, MD - Brunei)
Investigations and medical management (Linsey Utama Gani, MD – Singapore)
Secondary fracture prevention (JK Lee, MD – Malaysia)
Session 2:
Moderator: Andhika Yudistira, MD
Proximal femoral fractures (Kiki Novito, MD – Indonesia)
Fractures around the knee (Andre Yanuar, MD - Indonesia)
Osteoporotic vertebral fractures (Reuben So, MD - Singapore)
Proximal humeral fractures (Hafidz Yakob, MD - Brunei)
Distal radius fractures (Oryza Satria, MD - Indonesia
September 22, 2022
Hip & Knee
Moderator: Dr. Edsel Arandia
Spinopelvic Motion and Dislocation in THA (Dr. Azhar Merican – Malaysia)
THA for TB Hip (Dr. Nilo Paner – Philippines)
Arthroplasty for Fragility Hip Fractures (Dr. Irewin Tabu - Philippines)
DAA: Fad or Future Norm (Dr. Joel Baron Philippines)
November 26, 2022
Hip & Knee
Kinematic Alignment in TKR (Prof. Yeo Seng Jin)
Enhanced Recovery after arthroplasty (Dr. Jerry Chen)
Robotics in Arthroplasty (Dr. Kelvin Tan)
THR in Ankylosed Hips (Dr. Asep Santoso)
THR in Dysplasia (Dr. Viroj Larbpaiboonpong)